2/2 Office Delayed OpeningFeb 2, 2021 With the current weather conditions the Town Hall and Parks/Recreation offices will open at 10am this morning 2/2. Please drive safe if you have to be on the roads. Our Highway crews are out and trying to keep up with the slippery roadways!
With the current weather conditions the Town Hall and Parks/Recreation offices will open at 10am this morning 2/2. Please drive safe if you have to be on the roads. Our Highway crews are out and trying to keep up with the slippery roadways!
December Meetings<p>Finance 12/3 @ 4pm Finance Agenda Highway 12/3 @ 5pm Highway Agenda Public Safety 12/3 @ 6pm Public Safety Agenda Town Board 12/10 @ 6pm Board Agenda Monthly Report ZBA 12/11 @ 7pm ZBA Agenda Compr