The Town of Geddes Supervisor and Councilors have implemented a plan in regards to New York State Governor’s Executive order 203, Police Reform and Reinvention. This plan, referred to as the Chief’s Advisory Board, was adopted on March 9th, 2021. The Town Board and the Chief of Police, John R. Fall Jr. are now looking to have participation from five citizens in our community, two members from Westvale, two from Lakeland and one from the Village of Solvay, to form this board. This Advisory Board will also have two Town Council members appointed by the Town Supervisor.
We are looking for individuals from all walks of life and careers. The ideal candidates will need to be a Town resident, have been involved in our community in some form and be able to be open-minded. The Geddes Police Department is built on strong leadership and vision. The Geddes Town Council believes in our Police Department and Chief Fall and know that our department is well trained and compassionate. We look forward to forming this new committee/board with members that have the best interests for our community at heart.
If you are interested in being a member of the Chief’s Advisory Board please review the Town’s Plan for Executive order 203, to see what this board objective will be. Please submit a resume and cover letter no later than May 24th, 2021; by email (geddespd@townofgeddes.com) or mail; Attn: Chief Fall, 1000 Woods Road, Syracuse, NY 13209.